

Saturday, November 1, 2008

AdSense, Advertlerts & Nuffnang


This Google module looks legit enough.

Blogs and articles all over the Net describing tips and secrets on how to generate traffic on your blog. Readers who click on the ads will generate earnings for you. Dunno the truth but some sites claimed to generate up to 5-figure amounts in USD.

I'm still trying to unravel The Secret.

Friends I know who run Adsense did received check payments from Google. Besides, almost all websites and blogs have AdSense on them.

So far, I've earned USD24.87. I have yet to received a PIN by snail mail from Google to be entered into my profile to activate payment. Earnings not less than USD100 is only eligible for payment.

This is the real deal. Problem is, traffic must keep coming in.

Advertlets and Nuffnang are local advert sites for blogs. Functions similarly if not less than AdSense and less generous in term of earnings.

So I'm running all three hoping to cash in more.

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