

Friday, November 28, 2008

Public Mutual Fund

I went for an introductory seminar by Public Mutual Fund months ago, actually on the opening of the Beijing Olympics night on 8/8/08, to find out more on this company, and to become a Consultant.

The speaker is a Muar guy, Mr Tay Kok Tai. He was the top performer years ago who won the Company Individual Top Performer and Top Group Performer (or something like that). It claims his personal sales until August was worth RM60mil.

He only joined 10 years ago after he quit his day job as an account exec, with a last drawn salary of RM1200. Prior to PMF, he joined various direct-selling and MLM companies, which yielded not encouraging incomes. He found GOLD at PMF.

I can only remember he said to activate all the EIGHT waterpipe-taps. Keep the taps opened and water flowing, keep it leaking, if it's faulty, better still !!! He's referring to the multiple commissions generated from individual and group sales incomes. Keep them coming in!!
It made sense to me that investment of EPF money, with its low interest rate but high inflation rate, is logical to pool more money for retirement and children's education. If it can convinced me, others can to. RM250 is needed to open a PBB savings account and to sit for the exam.

But I've yet to sit for the exam nor find potential clients. The sharp drop in global economy has dampened this a little but the prices are cheap now.

Let's see how it goes.

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