

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pay-per-click websites

This was happening about 4 years ago.

Friends claimed that by displaying webpages as adverts on your PC, by registering yourself on some of these websites, can pay you good. Some claimed to receive checks in their mail.

So I registered myself to numerous websites that do this. These sites will display websites as advertisements. Every display will be counted as points which will converted to cash, payable by check. Frequently these sites will give out bonus points if certain adverts were clicked at the right designated moments.

I was running some 10-15 of these sites simultaneously, which slows down my PC like shit!! So I was picking up a lot of points but the sad part was, I was not able to register myself into PayPal, StormPay or some other web-pay sites. I did not bother then.

However, the websites seemed to die out one by one. After some time, most sites are closed or relocated. I wonder why? But who cares.

It just died a horrible death.

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