

Friday, November 28, 2008

Mystery Shopper

I enrolled as a mystery shopper for this local company called AQ Services. They carry out surveys for Esso and Exxon Mobil petrol stations mostly. So far I only did to one Esso petrol station.

They paid RM25 per visit back then. Now it's RM30. I did not even bother to check my bank balance though. They did called me once to confirm my bank area ID, or something.
All that was needed to do;
1. Fill petrol to your vehicle (bikes not allowed)
2. Take note of the pump attendant's name
3. Get a receipt
4. Buy something from the store
5. Get receipt
6. Take note of cashier's name and greetings
7. Observe cleaniness of overall station
8. Observe soft-drink/coffee machine
9. Snacks counter
10. Membership application forms are on the cashier table
11. Washroom cleaniness
12. Others
This company also do surveys for Sushi King though it's a rare.
Maybe try a little more commitment for a extra cash. I was hoping to be a mystery guest for fast-food joints like McDonald's or KFC.

Public Mutual Fund

I went for an introductory seminar by Public Mutual Fund months ago, actually on the opening of the Beijing Olympics night on 8/8/08, to find out more on this company, and to become a Consultant.

The speaker is a Muar guy, Mr Tay Kok Tai. He was the top performer years ago who won the Company Individual Top Performer and Top Group Performer (or something like that). It claims his personal sales until August was worth RM60mil.

He only joined 10 years ago after he quit his day job as an account exec, with a last drawn salary of RM1200. Prior to PMF, he joined various direct-selling and MLM companies, which yielded not encouraging incomes. He found GOLD at PMF.

I can only remember he said to activate all the EIGHT waterpipe-taps. Keep the taps opened and water flowing, keep it leaking, if it's faulty, better still !!! He's referring to the multiple commissions generated from individual and group sales incomes. Keep them coming in!!
It made sense to me that investment of EPF money, with its low interest rate but high inflation rate, is logical to pool more money for retirement and children's education. If it can convinced me, others can to. RM250 is needed to open a PBB savings account and to sit for the exam.

But I've yet to sit for the exam nor find potential clients. The sharp drop in global economy has dampened this a little but the prices are cheap now.

Let's see how it goes.

Monday, November 10, 2008


So many MLM companies offering products such as gold, websites, health products, and even just plain registration with money, among a mountain of others.

About 8 years ago, I went for a seminar which 'sells' gold and trainings on websites (so primitive compare to standards avaibable now). Most of the time I forgot the names of the companies because its not worth remembering or the products are rarely sellable.

For this one, members has to pay a minimum RM1000 or so to be eligible for the scheme to work and profits to be roll in. I forgot the structure on the workings but RM1000?? The seminar was held at the speaker's posh home. An ex-insurance agent who made some money and of cos, convincing speaker.

Still, my instinct says this is horse-shit so screwed it.

Then of cos, the health-conscious products. In those yonder days, companies like Amway were very profitable, I know some members still going for it.
Of cos, NuSkin were the rave some years back. Friends quit their full-time jobs to join NuSkin. So many millionaires were made so everybody wants to jump onto the bandwagon. I was doubtful, thankfully. Friends I met today quit the company since it was hard work and not enough to cover expenses.

Forever Living is another one. A friend who is an active member approached me many times but I declined.

How about a company which sells nothings but just get members to register. This E-pay company, IPC Shopping or em-pay, only collects cash, about RM250 per unit, more units bought will make more downlines. A generous percentage will be credited to the introducer if more members were brought in. Later, this company were blacklisted by the Securities Commission and the website closed.

Elken sells some promising health products which I still consume. The products are not cheap but it's of good quality, mostly. But people I know fnd it difficult to make ends meet just selling alone. Inactive downlines will cause the upline's income to be suffer, as always the case.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

AdSense, Advertlerts & Nuffnang


This Google module looks legit enough.

Blogs and articles all over the Net describing tips and secrets on how to generate traffic on your blog. Readers who click on the ads will generate earnings for you. Dunno the truth but some sites claimed to generate up to 5-figure amounts in USD.

I'm still trying to unravel The Secret.

Friends I know who run Adsense did received check payments from Google. Besides, almost all websites and blogs have AdSense on them.

So far, I've earned USD24.87. I have yet to received a PIN by snail mail from Google to be entered into my profile to activate payment. Earnings not less than USD100 is only eligible for payment.

This is the real deal. Problem is, traffic must keep coming in.

Advertlets and Nuffnang are local advert sites for blogs. Functions similarly if not less than AdSense and less generous in term of earnings.

So I'm running all three hoping to cash in more.


The next most-advertised on Web money-making scheme is this;

What is Agloco? Why everyone is talking about it?
Agloco means AGLObal COmmunity. Once a user signs up for free, they are asked to download the Viewbar™ software (which is currently still in closed testing and will be released in mid April). By running this multi-functions Viewbar™ (with search function, anti-fraud function, contextual ads etc), Agloco will pay each member money & share depending on the Viewbar™ usage (Max 5 hours per month). Agloco's advertisers will pay members for using the Viewbar™.

Agloco also runs a referral system which will further reward member who bring in new members.

How can I get paid?
The income will be paid in cash as well as in stocks. This avoids the mistake of paying out more than they make, which was what AllAdvantage did. During initial stage, payment will be made in US dollar cheque monthly. Other payment options in the future might include bank direct-debit, Paypal, credit to card etc. Remember to sign-up our newsletter so that we can keep you updated.

So much for that. I ran the Viewbar for about a year and I see some cash accumulated on my profile.

Then they posted some news that they are NOT doing any profits and they are not being paid cash for running ads of websites or some bullshit. is closed. Another SCAM, I suppose.

Pay-per-click websites

This was happening about 4 years ago.

Friends claimed that by displaying webpages as adverts on your PC, by registering yourself on some of these websites, can pay you good. Some claimed to receive checks in their mail.

So I registered myself to numerous websites that do this. These sites will display websites as advertisements. Every display will be counted as points which will converted to cash, payable by check. Frequently these sites will give out bonus points if certain adverts were clicked at the right designated moments.

I was running some 10-15 of these sites simultaneously, which slows down my PC like shit!! So I was picking up a lot of points but the sad part was, I was not able to register myself into PayPal, StormPay or some other web-pay sites. I did not bother then.

However, the websites seemed to die out one by one. After some time, most sites are closed or relocated. I wonder why? But who cares.

It just died a horrible death.